Monday, April 30, 2012

Drum Roll Please...

All right so I think I teased enough...
Everyone meet Zoe!

She will be one of my main ladies throughout my personal works from here on out.

I don't want to show you anymore than this image just yet. Got a lot in store for her.

I will post a more finished version of this character drawing in my gallery.

Hopefully, everyone's week is off to a roaring start. Myself, I worked early today, so now I am relaxing. And of course showing you all what I promised.

Gonna close this for now. Laters.

Brettsky out.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend Rest Time

So, I got the pages for the comic done yesterday!


I am taking today and tomorrow to relax and catch up on Minecraft and Skyrim.

Hope everyone else is having a great week. Hopefully the next round of commissions will pick up here next week.

Oh and I will be getting to the request pieces I have in the next couple days. I have some sexy interpretations to come up with and I aim to not fail!

Aside from that I am still being an awful tease about my new lady. You'll like her, trust me. Maybe I will post something here today or tomorrow.

I just might.

So keep watching!

Brettsky out...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Inking Time Lapse

Thought I would share a video I created of me inking a current project.

Obviously it is a time lapse of the entire process, as I am sure none of you want to sit around for nearly an hour watching me meticulously ink.

Also if any of you are mega nerds like myself you might recognize some of the music I added to the video.


Crunch Time!

So today marks the first day of the last week I need to complete a set of pages before they are deemed late for the issue. I will be damned if I screw this up!

On another note, the sleep issue continues. Having trouble getting to sleep on time or and having a good length of rest. My eyes are kind of blurry because of it.

Not much more to say today... which my hand desperately wants to type "tofay"... Not sure what to think of that.

The comic pages are my main focus for this week. They should be able to be finished before week's end without a problem.

Brettsky out.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sleepy Brettsky...

Okay, so I'd best start posting this stuff regularly. In any case, all is going well so far today. I am awake for a little bit here to post a few thoughts about work today.

So far on the list of things to do today: ink page five for my buddy zenx007 on dA and continue to finish coloring on all three pages for the Nexus comic.

I also need to see if I can get anymore info on the next few commissions I am about to start.

OH! Before I forget, I also need to find reference for Devilman lady so I can do a request piece.

Oh, and I need to do this, and that, and that... OH, and definitely... THAT!

Dear god I am sleep deprived. Worked late last night at the day job, then when I got home I did what any sensible person would do... I played some Skyrim!

Don't even get me started... That game has its hooks in me something fierce. I still have tons of games I need to finish other than that!

Ah, and I am also going to let you know that I am going to introduce you to a new girl here soon! Keep your eyes peeled. I should be posting something here soon on dA.

I think this is enough to read for a little bit, eh?

I'll catch you guys later!